Visiting a dermatologist is logical and highly recommended when your goal is to find a resolution for common and chronic scalp issues. A prescription for topical treatment for home use may be associated with your dermatologist visit. But what happens when the prescription does not yield the expected result?
Frequent visits to a hairstylist is another pathway that some seek for a resolution to those pesky scalp issues. But what happens when the take-home products your hairstylist sells to you don’t give the desired result?
Well, this is the challenge for more than 50% of Americans experiencing scalp issues such as itchiness, flaking, scaling, overproduction of sebum, seborrheic dermatitis, and much more.
The reality that your dermatologist or hairstylist probably hasn’t shared with you, is that most of these scalp issues are not curable! However, they can be better MANAGED. Take a different approach to caring for your scalp.
Regular care from a trained professional using dermatologist-grade products to curate personalized formulation plans can help relieve and manage even the most chronic scalp issues.
Give yourself a break from spending on the next “latest and greatest” product, or from creating a new home remedy from YouTube. Visit Pure Skin and Scalp Wellness Studio where we tailor treatments to promote beautiful hair, starting at the root. Our Scalp Therapists work closely with an in-house clinical consultant who provides training and guidance to treat and effectively manage skin challenges that affect the scalp. Let us curate a formulation that will produce improved results.